Ashley Knight

Ashley Knight was no stranger to finding movement in the body in a way that felt good when she started yoga. She came from a Step and Spin instructor background when she stumbled upon Bikram Yoga in the early 2000s. She really sank into the practice while traveling a lot for work. She found it to be a place she could land that didn't change from state to state, studio to studio.
Many years passed, and lots of life happened, like becoming a mom to an awesome boy, before she landed on the mat again in a studio. That studio was Alchemy. The first day she walked into the studio changed her life. She is a firm believer of the magic Alchemy has to offer and she has never looked back.
Ashley is a Reiki Master and RYT-200 and aims to provide energy cleansing in each class. She is a huge advocate of moving your body in a way that makes sense to you, even if that means sitting and watching. She loves taking a good Power Flow and Yin class.
Ashley's goal as a teacher is to provide creative sequences that get you out of your head and into your body, connecting movement with breath, all while creating space inside of your spirit for new and good things to flourish. Her biggest wish for all yogis is to take the grace they find for themselves on the mat outside into the real world and provide that for themselves and others.
Weekday | Time | Class Name |