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Danielle Forghetti

Danielle in front of Christmas tree.png

Anyone who follows Danielle Forghetti on Instagram knows she loves yoga and weightlifting, is strong, and has the guns (biceps, that is) to prove it. She makes it look effortless to be fit. That may be the case, but she will be the first to tell you it took hard work and persistence.

Danielle has never been one to shy away from hard work, she has been working since she was a young teenager, but thanks to a serendipitous meeting with a former bodybuilder, the gym gave her a new focus. She had always wanted to be strong but didn’t quite know how to get there. Danielle told herself she would give it three months and committed to working out every day, sometimes twice a day, under the tutelage of her new mentor. That was all it took! Danielle started feeling strong, and she was hooked on fitness.

Fitness became her life. She became a personal trainer, a bootcamp instructor, a gym manager, and eventually, opened her own fitness studio. Even now, Danielle works out every day, often beside her husband, Gary. Now, with a young daughter, Kendall, Danielle wants to be her role model by living a fit lifestyle.  "Health is my family's life. We live, breathe, and own it," Danielle says.

Danielle had been pushing herself so hard and for so long at work and in the gym, and while she got stronger and healthier than she had ever been, she felt something was missing. It was not until she found hot yoga that she truly felt whole. As soon as she walked into her first yoga class, she realized just getting to the mat and breathing with the community made her feel good, regardless of how she felt when she walked in. She felt energetic and vulnerable at the same time - yoga got into her psyche and soul and helped her reconnect to herself. Danielle fell in love with yoga and realized she “absolutely” had to share this amazing practice with everyone.

Danielle believes seeing the sunrise every day is a gift, and she loves welcoming each new day with the Alchemy Hot Yoga community attending her 6:00 am Vinyasa classes. She admits she wears her heart on her sleeves and she is unapologetic about letting her emotions show. Sometimes she has an indescribable euphoric feeling at the end of a practice that leaves her choked up. Other days, don’t be surprised when she yells out, “Life is hard, this is not hard - you can hold this chair pose for another few breaths!” And you will.

Danielle knows that if she can encourage her students to push through the mud in class, they can do it in life as well. She says, “I want everyone to love yoga as much as I do, and to use it to become the most radiant version of themselves.”

About Danielle

  • Certified RYT-200 instructor through Yoba Studio, Raleigh, 2019

  • Certified Personal Trainer: NASM-CPT (National Academy of Sports Medicine)

  • Specializes in Strength Training, Biomechanics, Corrective Exercise, Rehabilitation, Myofascial Release Therapy, Kids Yoga

  • Married to Gary, mother of a daughter, Kendall

These are Danielle's regularly scheduled classes. Check the schedule for any changes. 

Class Name
Hot Vinyasa Express
Hot Slow Flow
Hot Vinyasa Express
Hot Slow Flow
Express Hot Slow Flow
Express Hot Slow Flow
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